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Certificate errors in web browsers aren't any sorts of bugs or glitches, but they are in fact a source of protection and security during browsing operations.

Sometimes this certificate firewall allows browsing on your own risk, and sometimes it doesn't.
So if you're really sure you wanna stick with taking risks, and as well sure you got no important data to worry about from stealing, here's the steps how to permanently disable these errors;
  • Right click on your browser, and pick "properties".
  • Eyes on the shortcut directory, there would be a path, something like : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
  • Right next to the chrome.exe", add "-ignore-certificate-errors", the location should appear this way after you edit it : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" -ignore-certificate-errors. Make sure to add a space between both of the location and the code we added.
  • Confirm and launch your browser.
Before you proceed surfing, consider knowing a few stuff, such as:
  • Pasting that codes means disabling certificate security, disabling certificate messages means you're no longer secured from having your personal data stolen and hacked.
  • Windows Defender or any sorts of Antiviruses would surely detect your Google Chrome shortcut on the desktop as a virus, and that's more than normal, i've mentioned that you're no longer secured, remember? 
  • Many safe websites which you used to surf safely, have probably stopped working since you began to face this error, right? The websites that you used to trust wouldn't harm you, but CAREFUL from the ones which you didn't deal with before. 
  • This procedure works with all browsers, at least I tested it on Mozilla Firefox, Opera Browser and of course Chrome. Just always add " -ignore-certificate-errors".
  • When running your browser after having this procedure applied, a random message would appear on top, if you agreed on all these stuff above, simly ignore that message whenever you launch your browser.
  • It's been a year since I discovered this solution, and i've been always safe, along with the help of some Antiviruses.
Note : I do not gain money through blogging, you may surf my website without worrying from ads. Any antiviruses which are mentioned in the article are just mentioned in order to help, not to gain money.